How to Foster Immigrant Children Separated From Parents

How to Foster immigrant border child separated from parents
In light of recent global crises, many immigrant children desperately need a foster home across the United States of America. We know that these unaccompanied children will need foster families to look after them until they can find permanency within a family member's home. If one can not be located, a long-term foster placement will be looked for, and we hope may be adopted by the foster family.
Foster care and adoption programs in the foster care system have been stretched for many years, so finding homes for immigrant children separated from their parents is a real challenge. Treatment foster care programs are looking for successful foster parents to foster children under extra pressure as they also have a language barrier to overcome.
Family caregivers that offer their hear and homes to these children will need to be trained in evidence-based treatment to help the children come to America be successful. So if you consider supporting if that is respite care services to adoption, we will be able to help you in this journey.
How to Foster a Child
If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, you should know a few things. Understanding the different types of foster care is your first step. Types of foster care include:
- Regular foster care
- Short-term foster care or respite care
- Long-term foster care
- Treatment foster care
- Become a foster parent to adopt
Regular foster care provides a temporary, nurturing environment for an immigrant child in need. Short-term foster care allows a foster parent to provide relief to another foster parent or family for up to 29 days.
Long-term foster care allows the foster parent to provide a stable, loving home on a more long-term basis. This scenario is ideal until a more permanent solution is available. This includes reuniting the immigrant child with a family member or adoption takes place.
Treatment foster care is unique. Children who have experienced trauma are placed with foster parents who can provide crisis support or specific medical needs.
Each avenue of foster care is unique and equally rewarding. Some foster parents choose to foster to adopt a child. Understanding each of these different types of foster care will allow you to make an informed decision before beginning your journey as a foster parent.
Sponsor an Immigrant Child
Sponsoring an immigrant child is a detailed process. Your ability to provide sponsorship is tentative on your U.S. residency status. If you are the parent of an immigrant child currently residing in the U.S., consider the following.
If you are a U.S. citizen, you may sponsor the following:
- Married sons and daughters
- Unmarried sons and daughters
- Children
If you are a U.S. permanent resident or green cardholder, you may sponsor the following:
- Children
- Unmarried sons and daughters
In addition to proof of U.S. citizenship, you must have all your documents together accordingly. You must also provide evidence of your relationship with your child. An immigration lawyer can provide professional help in assisting you with your sponsorship case.
The Benefits of Adopting a Child
Adopting a child can be one of the most rewarding accomplishments of your lifetime.
If you adopt an immigrant child, you will allow yourself the opportunity to explore new cultural traditions. Take the time to research your child's culture and identify how to incorporate this newfound knowledge into your family.
Adopting a child from another country requires continuous learning. You may discover in the process of learning and growing with your child and find something new about yourself.
Contact Us Today
The choice to aid a foster child in need is a decision that will impact the rest of your life. We hope you allow us to educate you on the process of helping a child who is in great need of your family's support and love.
We know you will have many questions, from offering home respite care to adoption. The more information we can give you before you start the training and the home study process, the more successful we believe you will be.
Regardless if you choose to become a foster parent or adopt, the impact you will have on an immigrant child's life is profound. Contact us today for more information on how you can help. We have foster parent advocates on the phone to help you Monday through Friday. You can also use our contact form. Thank you.