Contact the Virginia Department of Social Services DSS

Map of Virginia Commonwealth and its flag overlayed

Virginia DSS Regional and Local Contacts

Virginia DSS Boundaries map

The names and address below is a complete list of state and local Department of Social Services Directors and Regional Director. We have also listed their phone numbers and addresses for your convenience of over 120 local departments of social services. I hope this helps you locate the services and support you need from your local DSS. 

You will be able to reach services programs, assistance programs, and all DSS Customer services units, including Adult Protective Services and child protective services, to report abuse and neglect and find child support and nutrition assistance programs.  The social services system is here to help you; please reach out and obtain the needed services.


DSS regions by county

Virginia Department of Social Services regional offices and Directors for July 2022

Central Regional VDSS

Nikole Cox
(804) 662-7653
(804) 819-7114 fax 1604 Santa Rosa Road
Suite 130
Richmond, VA 23229

Eastern Regional VDSS

Peter Gezzi
(757) 355-0528
(757) 455-0840 fax
420 N Center Drive,
Suite 100
Norfolk, VA 23502

Northern Regional VDSS

Juana Diaz
(540) 680-0599
(540) 347-6331 fax
410 Rosedale Ct
Suite 270
Warrenton, VA 20186

Piedmont Regional vDSS

Tracie Brewster
(540) 580-3482
(540) 561-7569 fax
210 First St. SW
Suite 200
Roanoke, VA 24011

Western Regional VDSs

Jennifer Lilly
(276) 676-2390
(276) 676-5621 fax
190 Patton Street
Suite 100
Abingdon, VA 24210

Central Regional Office

Amelia Department of Social Services

16360 Dunn Street Suite 201,
P.O. Box 136,
Amelia, VA 23002
(804) 561-2681
(804) 561-6040 fax
Martha Pullen

Buckingham County Department of Social Services

13360 West James Anderson Highway,
Route 60, P. O. Box 170,
Buckingham Court House, VA 23921
(434) 969-4246
(434) 969-1449 fax
Stephanie Coleman

Caroline Department of Social Services

17202 Richmond Turnpike, P.O. Box 430,
Bowling Green, VA 22427
(804) 633-5071
(804) 633-5648 fax
Wendy Staples Sneed

Charles City Department of Social Services

10600 Courthouse Road,
P.O. Box 98,
Charles City, VA 23030
(804) 652-1708
(804) 829-2430 fax
Elizabeth B. Holt

Chesterfield / Colonial Heights Department of Social Services

9501 Lucy Corr Circle,
P.O. Box 430,
Chesterfield, VA 23832
(804) 748-1100
(804) 717-6294 fax
Kiva Rogers

Cumberland County Department of Social Services

71 Community Center Drive,
P. O. Box 33,
Cumberland, VA 23040
(804) 492-4915
(804) 492-9346 fax
Jessica Ownby

Essex Department of Social Services

772 Richmond Beach Road,
P.O. Box 1004,
Tappahannock, VA 22560
(804) 443-3561
(804) 443-8254 fax
Rodney Gordon

Fluvanna County Department of Social Services

8880 B James Madison Highway,
P.O. Box 98,
Fork Union, VA 23055
(434) 842-8221
(434) 842-2776 fax
Kimberly Mabe

Goochland Department of Social Services

1800 Sandy Hook Road, Suite 200,
P.O. Box 34,
Goochland, VA 23063
(804) 556-5880
(804) 556-4718 fax
Kimberly R. Jefferson

Hanover County Department of Social Services

12304 S. Washington Highway,
Ashland, VA 23005
(804) 365-4100
(804) 365-4110 fax
Sheila Crossen-Powell

Henrico County Department of Social Services

8600 Dixon Powers Drive,
P.O. Box 90775,
Henrico, VA 23273
(804) 501-4001
(804) 501-4006 fax
Ty Parr

Hopewell Department of Social Services

316 E. Cawson Street,
Hopewell, VA 23860
(804) 541-2330
(804) 541-2347 fax
Ray Spicer

King and Queen Department of Social Services

241 Allen Circle, P.O. Box 7,
King and Queen Courthouse, VA 23085
(804) 769-5003
(804) 785-5885 fax
Betty Ackley Dougherty

King William Department of Social Services

172 Courthouse Lane,
P.O. Box 187,
King William, VA 23086
(804) 769-4905
(804) 769-4979 fax
Anne M. Mitchell

Lancaster County Department of Social Services

9049 Mary Ball Road, P.O. Box 185,
Lancaster, VA 22503
(804) 462-5141
(804) 462-0330 fax
Edna Davenport

Lunenburg County Department of Social Services

11387 Courthouse Road,
Lunenburg, VA 23952
(434) 696-2134
(434) 696-2534 fax
Dorothy Newcomb

Middlesex County Department of Social Services

2893 General Puller Highway,
P.O. Box 216,
Urbanna, VA 23175
(804) 758-2348
(804) 758-2357 fax
Rebecca Morgan

New Kent Department of Social Services

7911 Courthouse Way, Suite 100,
P.O. Box 229,
New Kent, VA 23124
(804) 966-1853
(804) 966-9170 fax
Jon Martz

Northumberland County Department of Social Services

6373 Northumberland Highway, Suite A,
P.O. Box 399,
Heathsville, VA 22473
(804) 580-3477
(804) 580-5815 fax
Jackie Clayton

Nottoway County Department of Social Services

288 W. Courthouse Road,
P. O. Box 26,
Nottoway, VA 23955
(434) 645-8494
(434) 645-7643 fax
Bernetta Watkins

Petersburg Department of Social Services

3811 Corporate Rd.,
Petersburg, VA 23805
(804) 861-4720
(804) 861-0137 fax
Norris Stevenson

Powhatan County Department of Social Services

3908 Old Buckingham Road - Suite 2,
Powhatan, VA 23139 (
804) 598-5630
(804) 598-5614 fax
Sharon Rochelle

Prince Edward County Department of Social Services

56B SMI Way,
Farmville, VA 23901
(434) 392-3113
(434) 392-8453 fax
Roma Morris

Richmond City Department of Social Services

Marshall Plaza Building, 
900 E. Marshall St.,
P.O. Box 10129,
Richmond, VA 23240
(804) 646-7000
(804) 646-7018 fax
Shunda Giles

Richmond County Department of Social Services

5579 Richmond Road,
P.O. Box 35,
Warsaw, VA 22572
(804) 333-4088
(804) 333-0156 fax
Vanesa Livingstone

Westmoreland Department of Social Services

18849 Kings Highway,
P.O. Box 302,
Montross, VA 22520
(804) 493-9305
(804) 493-9309 fax
Gail Crooks

Pedmont Region DSS

Albemarle County Department of Social Services

1600 Fifth St., Suite A,
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 972-4010
(434) 972-4080 fax
Phyllis Savides

Alleghany-Covington Department of Social Services

110 Rosedale Ave., Suite B,
Covington, VA 24426
(540) 965-1780
(540) 965-1772  fax
EW Dawn Riddle

Amherst Department of Social Services

224 Second St.,
P. O. Box 414,
Amherst, VA 24521
(434) 946-9330 
(434) 946-9319 fax
Susan Mays

Appomattox Department of Social Services

P. O. Box 549,
Appomattox, VA 24522
(434) 352-7125
(434) 352-0064  fax
Brad Burdette

Bath County Department of Social Services

65 Courthouse Hill Road,
P.O. Box 7, Warm Springs, VA 24484
(540) 839-7271
(540) 839-7278 fax
Jason Miller

Bedford Department of Social Services

Burks-Scott Building, 
119 E. Main St.,
PO Box 1187,
Bedford, VA 24523
(540) 586-7750
(540) 586-0781 fax
Andy Crawford

Botetourt County Department of Social Services

220 Commons Parkway,
P. O. Box 99,
Daleville, VA 24083
(540) 591-5960
(540) 591-5969 fax
Susan Goad

Campbell County Department of Social Services

69 Kabler Lane, P.O. Box 860,
Rustburg, VA 24588
(434) 332-9585
(434) 332-9699 fax
Lisa Linthicum

Charlotte County Department of Social Services

400 Thomas Jefferson Hwy,
PO Box 440,
Charlotte Court House, VA 23923
(434) 542-5164
(434) 542-5692 fax
Sari Goff

Charlottesville Department of Social Services

120 Seventh St., N.E.,
P.O. Box 911,
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 970-3400
(434) 970-3555 fax
Diane Kuknyo

Craig County Department of Social Services

177 Court St.,
P. O. Box 330,
New Castle, VA 24127
(540) 864-5117
(540) 864-6662 fax
James Weber

Danville Division of Social Services

510 Patton St.,
P. O. Box 3300,
Danville, VA 24541
(434) 799-6543
(434) 797-8818 fax
John Moody

Franklin County Department of Social Services

11161 Virgil H. Goode Highway,
Rocky Mount, VA 24151
(540) 483-9247
(540) 483-1933 fax
Deborah Powell

Halifax County Department of Social Services

1030 Cowford Road,
P. O. Box 1189,
Halifax, VA 24558
(434) 476-6594
(434) 476-5258 fax
Kathy E. Andrews

Henry-Martinsville Department of Social Services

20 Progress Drive,
P.O. Drawer 4946,
Martinsville, VA 24115
(276) 656-4300 
(276) 656-4398 fax
Amy Rice

Highland County Department of Social Services

158 Courthouse Lane, Courthouse Annex,
P.O. Box 247,
Monterey, VA 24465
(540) 468-2199
(540) 468-3099 fax
Emily Malcolm

Lynchburg Department of Human Services

99 9th St.,
P.O. Box 6798,
Lynchburg, VA 24505
(434) 455-5850
(434) 847-1785 fax
Tamara Rosser

Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services

911 Madison St.,
P.O. Box 400,
Boydton, VA 23917
(434) 738-6138
(434) 738-6150 fax
Sandra Gregory

Nelson County Department of Social Services

203 Front St.,
P.O. Box 357,
Lovingston, VA 22949
(434) 263-7160
(434) 263-8605 fax
Angela Rose

Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services

220 H. G. McGhee Drive,
P.O. Box E,
Chatham, VA 24531
(434) 432-7281
(434) 432-0923 fax
Christopher R. Spain

Roanoke City Department of Social Services

1510 Williamson Road, N.E.,
Roanoke, VA 24012
(540) 853-2591
(540) 853-2027 fax
Steven Martin

Roanoke County Department of Social Services

220 E. Main St.,
P. O. Box 1127,
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 387-6087
(540) 387-6210 fax
Joyce Earl

Rockbridge-Buena Vista-Lexington Area Social Services

20 E. Preston St.,
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 463-7143
(540) 464-9110 fax
Dinah R. Clark

Shenandoah Valley Dept. of Social Services (Staunton-Augusta Office)

68 Dick Huff Lane,
P.O. Box 7,
Verona, VA 24482
(540) 245-5800
(540) 245-5880 fax
Anita Harris

Shenandoah Valley Dept. of Social Services (Waynesboro Office)

1200 Shenandoah Ave.,
Waynesboro, VA 22980
(540) 942-6646
(540) 942-6658 fax
Anita Harris

Eastern Region DSS

Accomack Department of Social Services

22554 Center Parkway, Accawmacke Office Park,
P. O. Box 210,
Accomack, VA 23301
(757) 787-1530
(757) 787-9303 fax
Vickie Weakley

Brunswick County Department of Social Services

201 Sharp St., Suite 100,
Lawrenceville, VA 23868
(434) 848-2142
(434) 848-2828 fax
Debbie Burkett

Chesapeake Department of Social Services

100 Outlaw St.,
P.O. Box 15098,
Chesapeake, VA 23320
(757) 382-2000
(757) 543-1644 fax
Jill Baker

Dinwiddie Department of Social Services

12318 Boydton Plank Road,
P.O. Box 107,
Dinwiddie, VA 23841
(804) 469-4524
(804) 469-4506 fax
Rose Mastracco

Franklin City Department of Social Services

306 N. Main St,
PO Box 601,
Franklin , VA 23851
(757) 562-8520
(757) 516-6683 fax
Sarah Rexrode

Gloucester Department of Social Services

6641 Short Lane,
P.O. Box 1390,
Gloucester, VA 23061
(804) 693-2671
(804) 693-5511 fax
Lisa Kersey

Greensville/Emporia Department of Social Services

1748 E. Atlantic St.,
P.O. Box 1136,
Emporia, VA 23847
(434) 634-6576
(434) 634-9504 fax
Shewanda Edwards

Hampton Department of Social Services

1320 LaSalle Ave.,
Hampton, VA 23669
(757) 727-1800
(757) 727-1835 fax
Wanda E. Rogers

Isle of Wight Department of Social Services

17100 Monument Circle, Suite A,
PO Box 102,
Isle of Wight, VA 23397
(757) 365-3672
(757) 365-0886 fax
Reynold Jordan

James City County Department of Social Services

5249 Old Towne Road,
Williamsburg, VA 23188
(757) 259-3100
(757) 259-3188 fax
Rebecca Vinroot

Mathews Department of Social Services

Route 611, 536 Church Street,
P.O. Box 925,
Mathews, VA 23109
(804) 725-7192
(804) 725-7086 fax
Tiffany Gordon

Newport News Department of Human 

Services Rouse Tower, 6060 Jefferson Ave.,
Newport News, VA 23605
(757) 926-6300
(757) 926-6118 fax
Venerria Thomas

Norfolk Department of Human Services

Workforce Development Center, 201 E. Little Creek Rd.,
Norfolk, VA 23505
(757) 664-6000
(757) 664-3275 fax
Stephen Hawks

Northampton County Department of Social Services

5265 The Hornes,
P.O. Box 568,
Eastville, VA 23347
(757) 678-5153
(757) 678-0475 fax
Mozella Francis

Portsmouth Department of Social Services

1701 High St., Suite 101,
Portsmouth, VA 23704
(757) 405-1800
(757) 465-2951 fax
Pamela Little-Hill

Prince George Department of Social Services

6450 Administration Drive, Building 12,
P.O. Box 68,
Prince George, VA 23875
(804) 733-2650
(804) 733-2652 fax
Shel Bolyard-Douglas

Southampton County Department of Social Services

26022 Administration Center Drive,
P.O. Box 550,
Courtland, VA 23837
(757) 653-3080
(757) 653-0357 fax
Michelle Stivers

Suffolk Department of Social Services

135 Hall Avenue, Suite B ,
P.O. Box 1818,
Suffolk, VA 23434
(757) 514-7450
(757) 514-4869 fax
Azeez Felder

Surry Department of Social Services

45 School Street,
P.O. Box 263,
Surry, VA 23883
(757) 294-5240
(757) 294-5248 fax
Valerie E. Pierce

Sussex Department of Social Services

20103 Princeton Road ,
Stony Creek, VA 23882
(434) 246-1083
(434) 246-2504 fax
Bertha Judge

Virginia Beach Department of Human Services

3432 Virginia Beach Blvd.,
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
(757) 385-3200
(757) 385-3466 fax
Aileen Smith

Williamsburg Human Services

401 Lafayette St.,
Williamsburg, VA 23185
(757) 220-6161
(757) 220-6113 fax
Wendy Evans

York / Poquoson Social Services

301 Goodwin Neck Road,
Yorktown, VA 23692
(757) 890-3787
(757) 890-3934 fax
Richard Verilla

Western Region DSS

Bland County Department of Social Services
612 Main St., Suite 208,
P.O. Box 55, Bland County Court House, Suite 208,
Bland, VA 24315
(276) 688-4111
(276) 688-1468 fax
Alicia Adkins

Bristol City Department of Social Services

621 Washington St.,
Bristol, VA 24201
(276) 645-7450
(276) 645-7475 fax
Jeffrey Justice

Buchanan County Department of Social Services

3174 Slate Creek Road,
Grundy, VA 24614
(276) 935-8106
(276) 935-5412 fax
Sherina Justus

Carroll County Department of Social Services

Carroll Co. Governmental Complex, 605-8 Pine St.,
Hillsville, VA 24343
(276) 730-3130
(276) 730-3135 fax
Teresa Isom

Dickenson County Department of Social Services

1280 Browning Hollow,
P.O. Box 417,
Clintwood, VA 24228
(276) 926-1661
(276) 926-8144 fax
Susan D. Mullins

Floyd County Department of Social Services

120 W. Oxford St., Building A-2,
P.O. Box 314,
Floyd, VA 24091
(540) 745-9316
(540) 745-9325 fax
Chad Alls

Galax City Department of Social Services

105 E. Center St, P.O. Box 166,
Galax, VA 24333-0166
(276) 236-8111
(276) 236-9313 fax
Tammy Smith

Giles County Department of Social Services

211 Main St., Suite 109,
Narrows, VA 24124
(540) 726-8315
(540) 726-8253 fax
Sherri Nipper-Williams

Grayson County Department of Social Services

129 Davis St.,
P.O. Box 434,
Independence, VA 24348
(276) 773-2452
(276) 773-2361 fax
Kirstin Shumate

Lee County Department of Social Services

108 Hill St.,
P.O. Box 348,
Jonesville, VA 24264
(276) 346-1010
(276) 346-2217 fax
Trevor Hensley

Montgomery County Department of Social Services

210 S. Pepper St., Suite B,
P.O. Box 789,
Christiansburg, VA 24073
(540) 382-6990
(540) 382-6945 fax
Larry Lindsey

Norton City Department of Social Services

644 Park Avenue NW,
P.O. Box 378,
Norton, VA 24273
(276) 679-2701 
(276) 679-0607 fax
Abe Rutherford

Patrick County Department of Social Services

106 Rucker St., Suite 128,
Stuart, VA 24171
(276) 694-3328
(276) 694-8210 fax
Joan V. Rogers

Pulaski County Department of Social Services

53 Commerce Street,
Pulaski, VA 24301
(540) 980-7995
(540) 980-7993 fax
Guy Smith

Radford City Department of Social Services

928 W. Main St.,
Radford, VA 24141
(540) 731-3663
(540) 731-5000 fax
Vicki Collins

Russell County Department of Social Services

135 Highlands Drive, Suite B,
Lebanon, VA 24266
(276) 889-3031
(276) 889-2662 fax
Patrick Brunty

Scott County Department of Social Services

190 Beech Street, Suite 101,
Gate City, VA 24251
(276) 386-3631
(276) 386-6031 fax
Lana Mullins

Smyth County Department of Social Services

121 Bagley Circle, Suite 200,
Marion, VA 24354
(276) 783-8148
(276) 783-6327 fax
Chris Austin

Tazewell County Department of Social Services

253 Chamber Drive,
P.O. Box 149,
Tazewell, VA 24651
(276) 988-8500
(276) 988-2765 fax
David Taylor

Washington County Department of Social Services

15068 Lee Highway, Suite 100,
Bristol, VA 24202
(276) 645-5000
(276) 645-5055 fax
Kathy Johnson

Wise County Department of Social Services

5612 N. Bear Creek Rd,
P.O. Box 888,
Wise, VA 24293
(276) 328-8056
(276) 328-8632 fax
Gary Blankenbecler

Wythe County Department of Social Services

290 S. Sixth Street, Suite 200,
Wytheville, VA 24382
(276) -228-5493
(276) 228-5912 fax
Kimberly Ayers

Northern Region DSS

Alexandria Division of Human Services

2525 Mount Vernon Ave.,
Alexandria, VA 22301
(703) 746-5700
(703) 746-5974 fax
Lesa Gilbert

Arlington County Department of Social Services

2100 Washington Blvd. - 1st Fl.,
Arlington, VA 22204
(703) 228-1350
(703) 228-1120 fax
Tabitha Kelly

Clarke County Department of Social Services

311 E. Main St.,
Berryville, VA 22611
(540) 955-3700
(540) 955-3958 fax
Brittany Heine

Culpeper County Human Services

1835 Industry Drive, P.O. Box 1355,
Culpeper, VA 22701
(540) 727-0372
(540) 727-7584 fax
Lisa Peacock

Fairfax County Department of Family Services

12011 Government Center Parkway, Suite 232,
Fairfax, VA 22035
(703) 324-7500
(703) 653-6679 fax
Michael Becketts

Fauquier County Department of Social Services

320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11,
Warrenton, VA 20186
(540) 422-8400
(540) 422-8449 fax
Jack Ledden

Frederick County Department of Social Services

107 N. Kent St., Third Floor,
Winchester, VA 22601
(540) 665-5688
(540) 665-5664 (Clerical & Eligibility)
Tamara Green

Fredericksburg Department of Social Services

608 Jackson Street,
Suite 100,
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 372-1032
(540) 372-1157 fax
Christen Gallik

Greene County Department of Social Services

10009 Spotswood Trail,
Stanardsville, VA 22973
(434) 985-5246
(434) 985-5266 fax
James E. Howard

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Dept. of Social Services

110 N. Mason St.,
P.O. Box 809,
Harrisonburg, VA 22803
(540) 574-5100
(540) 574-5127 fax
Celestral Williams

King George Department of Social Services

10069 Kings Highway,
P.O. Box 130,
King George, VA 22484
(540) 775-3544
(540) 775-3098 fax
David L. Coman

Loudoun County Department of Family Services

102 Heritage Way, Suite 103,
PO Box 7400,
Leesburg, VA 20177
(703) 777-0353
(703) 771-5214 fax
Glenda Blake

Louisa County Department of Human Services

103 McDonald St.,
P.O. Box 425,
Louisa, VA 23093
(540) 967-1320
540-967-0593 fax
Janice Allen

Madison County Department of Social Services

101 S. Main St.,
P.O. Box 176,
Madison, VA 22727
(540) 948-5521
(540) 948-3762 fax
Valerie Ward

Manassas City Department of Family Services

9324 West Street,
Manassas, VA 20110
(703) 361-8277
(703) 361-6933 fax
Michele Gehr

Manassas Park Department of Social Services

100 Nadia Street, 2nd Floor,
Manassas Park, VA 20111
(703) 335-8880
(703) 335-8899  fax
Randi Knights

Orange County Department of Social Services

146 Madison Road, Suite 201,
Orange, VA 22960
(540) 672-1155
(540) 672-9118 fax
Crystal Hale

Page County Department of Social Services

215 W. Main St., Suite A,
P.O. Box 47,
Stanley, VA 22851
(540) 778-1053
(540) 778-1421 fax
Patricia Koontz

Prince William County Department of Social Services

7987 Ashton Ave., Suite 200,
Manassas, VA 20109
(703) 792-7500
(703) 792-7363 fax
Courtney Tierney

Rappahannock County Department of Social Services

354 Gay St.,
P.O. Box 87,
Washington, VA 22747
(540) 675-3313
(540) 675-3315 fax
Jennifer Parker

Shenandoah County Department of Social Services

Shenandoah County Government Center, 494 N. Main St., Suite 200,
Woodstock, VA 22664
(540) 459-6226
(540) 459-6223 fax
Carla Taylor

Spotsylvania Department of Social Services

9019 Old Battlefield Blvd - 2nd Fl., Spotsylvania, VA 22553,
P.O. Box 249,
Spotsylvania, VA 22553
(540) 507-7898
(540) 507-7806 fax
Amy Swift

Stafford County Department of Social Services

Stafford County Government Center, 
1300 Courthouse Road,
P.O. Box 7,
Stafford, VA 22555
(540) 658-8720
(540) 658-8798 fax
Michael J. Muse

Warren County Department of Social Services

465 W 15th Street, Suite 100,
Front Royal, VA 22630
(540) 635-3430
(540) 635-8451 (Services)
DeAnna Cheatham

Winchester Department of Social Services

24 Baker Street,
Winchester, VA 22601
(540) 662-3807
(540) 662-3279 fax
Amber Dopkowski

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